Let the Symphony Take Over: Qobuz- The Perfect Place for Music Streaming Online

September 14, 2023

Music is not just the mixture of some instruments and sound pieces. It is a remedy of life. Music is your best partner whenever you feel shattered and want some me time. It heals you and gives you positive ways to get energy and feel good. 

Music is an art which has some fantastic colors of life such as if you are feeling sad, there is some pace music, if you want to do something energetic there is rock music, if you are feeling loved romance is there and if you want some motivation, inspiring and concentrating music is there for your help. 

Qobuz is an online music streaming platform that allows you to download it for free, enjoy unlimited music, and live with genuine emotions. Qobuz has subscription options to unlock some extra cherries. 

Here are the details about its services and how it is better than its competitors.

Enjoy Online Music

Qobuz allows you to enjoy online music without being bound to download it. This saves your phone's storage and lets you listen and discover something new. 

You can listen to unlimited music with the highest quality audio. Along with this, their team of music experts helps and guides you to explore other music discoveries with recommendations, human-curated playlists, and exclusive editorial content (articles, interviews, reviews). This is the only platform offering music streaming and downloads in Hi-Res.

Editorial Content

Qobuz may provide articles, reviews, interviews, and other editorial content related to music, artists, albums, and genres. This content aims to enhance the music listening experience by offering context, background information, and insights into the music on the platform.

It has:- 

  • •  100 million tracks in high resolution & CD quality
  • •  More than 500,000 original editorial articles 
  • •  Thousands of human-curated playlists in 
  • •  Different genres of music, such as rock, classical, jazz, electronic, pop, funk, soul, R&B, metal, and more.

Listen Whenever and Wherever

Qobuz is easy to access on different devices such as phones, laptops, computers, and many more. This service lets you listen to and enjoy your favorite music whenever and wherever. It is available in both online and offline modes on all devices.

Hi-Res Music

Qobuz is known for offering hi-res music streaming, including FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) files at resolutions up to 24-bit/192kHz, providing superior sound quality compared to standard streaming services.

It facilitates you with high-quality music straight from the Studio. 

Exclusive Access and Events

Qobuz leverages you by providing access to exclusive events and seminars. Occasionally, Qobuz may give subscribers access to exclusive live events, album launches, or exceptional music-related experiences so that you cannot miss anything from this industry and won't regret missing out. 

Integration with Hi-Fi Systems

Qobuz often collaborates with and integrates into various high-fidelity audio systems, allowing users to stream high-resolution audio seamlessly on compatible devices and systems.

Podcasts and Audio Content

Some music streaming platforms, including Qobuz, may offer podcasts or audio content related to music history, artist interviews, and discussions about various music-related topics.

Streaming Subscription Plans

Qobuz has two different subscription plans: one is Studio, and the second one is Sublime. Both have other services and content. 

Let's discuss them one by one.


With this plan, subscribers can stream online and download music to listen to unlimitedly. This plan starts at $10.83 per month. It has the following features:- 

  • •  Studio quality streaming (FLAC 24-bit up to 192 kHz)
  • •  Over 100 million tracks
  • •  Original editorial content
  • •  Optimum streaming quality


This plan allows you to stream and collect your favorite albums for just 14.99 dollars per month. It has:- 

  • •  Studio quality streaming (FLAC 24-bit up to 192 kHz)
  • •  Over 100 million tracks
  • •  Original editorial content
  • •  Offline Listening
  • •  Discounts on Hi-Res purchases of up to 60%

All these plans have three different categories: Solo, Duo, and Family

Solo- This plan is for individuals

Duo- This plan is for two persons in one subscription

Family- This plan is for your whole family with six connections in one subscription. 

Free Trial

You can try Qobuz on a free trial without paying anything initially for 30 days; once you are satisfied with the services, you can subscribe. 

More in the Queue

Qobuz offers various and diversified services to music lovers. It is not limited to music only; it has many in its pocket, such as:- 

  • •  News articles
  • •  Panoramas: deep dives into an artist, album, genre, period, or label
  • •  Artist interviews
  • •  Hi-Fi section to enhance your listening

Entertain and Educate Both

Qobuz gives you access to many digital booklets and magazines, which provide you with information about the creation of a specific piece of music album, the story of an artist, and many other discoveries related to the music and other contents. 

Music News and Updates

The platform might offer news updates about the music industry, including announcements about new album releases, concerts, tours, artist interviews, and industry trends.

Recommendations and Playlists

Qobuz typically offers curated playlists, personalized recommendations, and music discovery features to help users explore new music based on their preferences and listening habits and curated collections by experts.

Extensive Music Catalog

The platform provides access to a vast catalog of music spanning various genres, including classical, jazz, rock, pop, and more, focusing on offering high-quality recordings.


Go With the Flow: Enjoy Music With Qubuz

It's time to go with the flow and enjoy your feelings, regardless of feeling low. Sometimes, it's essential to live your quiet moment to bring out your emotions and have nothing left in your heart. Music is a requirement for your heart and feelings. Qobuz is offering you the same and healing your heart. 

You can unlock features like high-resolution music quality, newsletters, music discoveries, and many more with subscription services. According to your requirements, there are various subscription plans like solo, duo, and family. So enjoy the exclusive albums, diverse genres of music, and unlimited editorial content.